Annelies gilbos 1

Annelies Gilbos

Warm voice-over with home studio


Audio recordings

Do you need a voice for your video? Want to instill a sense of calm or confidence in your customers?



Need a presenter for your event or looking for a narrative coach to guide you?



Want to record something yourself but not invest right away? Could you use some advance training?


I believe that a voice can make a difference and want to bring more warmth to the world of businesses and organizations. By really listening and using my warm voice, I bring your story with the right feeling so you can really connect with your audience.

Projects in the spotlight

BNP Paribas Fortis Annelies Gilbos
BNP Paribas Fortis

Commissioned by Soundshape, BNP Paribas Fortis wanted a voice-over for the explainer video for their Iris platform.

Amplo Annelies Gilbos

For a rebranding of Amplo Jobs, and making HelloAmplo's explainer available externally, I spoke the voice-over in Sound Wizard's studio.


A delightfully smooth collaboration is guaranteed. Authentically, Annelies plays emotions. Characters she fills in details with a lot of input and from her fine character. She plays with a...

Lies Geldhof

Annelies has a beautiful voice with a warm timbre. For a video project, I first asked her for a demo so that I could present it to my client. After immediate approval by my client, I provided...

Anthony De Rouck
Lion Eyes

Annelies voiced a story for me that I had some doubts about myself. But when I listened to her recorded version, I felt the tension of the story all over again. I could so see the scenes before...

Barbara Van Ransbeeck

Her warm timbre and enthusiastic style bring energy, a voice that exudes confidence.

Luc Roelant

For some of Wizarts' clients, I worked with Annelies to do a voice over for an advertising video. She articulated very well what I asked for and gave her own creative input & advice. Her...

Stijn De Pauw

Annelies did an outstanding job. The three texts that accompanied our animated films were voiced at record speed and extremely professionally. The preparation was clearly thorough and our videos...

Lieselotte Deforce
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Working together?

Do you need a professional voice for your video, a presenter, or a recording studio? Or are you looking for a narrative coach? Then contact me without obligation!