General terms

  1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to both the supply of services and the sale of goods
  2. The General Terms and Conditions are deemed accepted by the customer's acceptance of the offer or the placing of an order.
  3. Failing full payment by the customer within 14 calendar days (+ three working days if not by electronic means) after sending the first payment reminder, damages of:

    €20 if the amount due is less than or equal to €150;

    €30 plus 10% of the amount due above €150;

    €65 plus 5% of the amount due above €500, with a total limit of €2,000.

    In the absence of full payment by the customer within 14 calendar days (+ three working days if not by electronic means) of the sending of the first payment reminder, the customer shall automatically and without formal notice owe interest at the legal rate for late payment in commercial transactions, see Article 5(2) of the Law of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions. This interest is calculated on the sum still to be paid.

  4. In the event of a dispute, only the competent courts of the legal district have jurisdiction.
  5. Complaints must be made by the customer by registered letter within 8 days of the invoice date.
  6. As long as delivered goods and services have not been paid for in full, they remain the property of the provider. Nevertheless, all risks associated with the goods and services sold shall pass to the buyer from the moment of delivery.Subscriptions are renewed automatically, unless the subscription is terminated in writing on time, being at least one (1) month before the expiry of the term.
  7. Unless stipulated otherwise, the recordings can be used indefinitely in time without broadcast budget.
  8. Unless otherwise stipulated, the copyright of the voice-over recordings remains with Annelies Gilbos.
  9. It is not permitted to reuse the recordings without explicit permission.
  10. If the client fails to meet its obligations, including payment obligations, on time, we shall be entitled to discontinue further deliveries and services and to regard the agreement as dissolved by operation of law and without notice of default.