Actress, speaker and coach

Do you need a presenter for your event or are you looking for a narrative coach to guide you? Tell me more about your project and together we will look for the best solution.



Need someone to introduce or talk up your event? I'm your woman!
I can also assist you as a ceremony speaker for funerals or other events.

Actress groen


A true testimonial, interpreted by a professional voice, can take your business to the next level. 
If you want to rehearse sales or negotiation conversations, I would be happy to interpret your customer, partner or supplier as a training actress.


Narrative Coaching

Are you planning to record something yourself? Could you use some training beforehand? I'm happy to help you gain confidence in using your voice. And I have my own studio available.

Director groen

VO Director

Looking for someone to guide or direct your voice-over talent? I listen critically and make the translation between you and the voice.

Working together?

Do you need a professional voice for your video, a presenter, or a recording studio? Or are you looking for a narrative coach? Then contact me without obligation!