Voor de Geneeskundige Kring Aalst mocht ik, in samenwerking met Videoroyal, enkele interviews afnemen die getoond werden tijdens hun Milennium Conferentie met als thema 'Ziek maakt arm, arm maakt ziek'.
Voor de Geneeskundige Kring Aalst mocht ik, in samenwerking met Videoroyal, enkele interviews afnemen die getoond werden tijdens hun Milennium Conferentie met als thema 'Ziek maakt arm, arm maakt ziek'.
Voor Erfgoedcel Denderland verzorgde ik de voice-over voor de documentaire Kunst op Voorschrift, een initiatief dat kunstwerken uit de erfgoedcollecties van Denderland inzet in de psychiatrie en tot nieuwe kunstpraktijken leidt.
Voor Erfgoedcel Denderland verzorgde ik de voice-over voor de documentaire Kunst op Voorschrift, een initiatief dat kunstwerken uit de erfgoedcollecties van Denderland inzet in de psychiatrie en tot nieuwe kunstpraktijken leidt.
Commissioned by Soundshape, BNP Paribas Fortis wanted a voice-over for the explainer video for their Iris platform.
For a rebranding of Amplo Jobs, and making HelloAmplo's explainer available externally, I spoke the voice-over in Sound Wizard's studio.
Stroom vzw, a social economy company, had Cameraad make both a corporate film and an instructional film and wanted a voice-over to accompany it to tell their stakeholders and employees more about how their organisation works.
Stroom vzw, a social economy company, had Cameraad make both a corporate film and an instructional film and wanted a voice-over to accompany it to tell their stakeholders and employees more about how their organisation works.
Through Videoroyal, I voiced their corporate film for ducaju, a manufacturer of customised packaging and presentation solutions in cardboard.
For the rebranding of Patisserie du Chef, Vandemoortele asked me to voice a video in French and English, in collaboration with Catchtafish.
Commissioned by Videoroyal, a video and storytelling agency, I provided the voice-over for several job videos for the City of Ninove.
The VVOG (Flemish Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology) wanted a case study on obstetric violence translated into a testimonial to generate awareness around the topic at their upcoming congress. Many older colleagues still all too often give a ‘cut’ during childbirth without communicating this to the patient, from a good intention but without being aware of the patient's perception. The testimonial shows a self-confident woman who has a background of sexual abuse. The lack of communication during childbirth rekindles old feelings, leaving her with a sour feeling. In this way, the NPO wants to show the (possible) world of the patient and avoid an endless discussion on the subject. For video, we collaborated with Videoroyal.
The VVOG (Flemish Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology) wanted a case study on obstetric violence translated into a testimonial to generate awareness around the topic at their upcoming congress. Many older colleagues still all too often give a ‘cut’ during childbirth without communicating this to the patient, from a good intention but without being aware of the patient's perception. The testimonial shows a self-confident woman who has a background of sexual abuse. The lack of communication during childbirth rekindles old feelings, leaving her with a sour feeling. In this way, the NPO wants to show the (possible) world of the patient and avoid an endless discussion on the subject. For video, we collaborated with Videoroyal.